From Contacting the VA to Assistance Through VHF:

Read on to get help or click here to view Frequently Asked Questions. For veterans facing homelessness or at imminent risk of becoming homeless, the first step to accessing a wide range of support services is through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA serves as the primary point of contact to ensure veterans receive the comprehensive care, evaluation, and documentation necessary to qualify for additional assistance. Following your initial contact and evaluation with the VA, organizations like the Veterans Housing Foundation (VHF) can then provide targeted support based on your specific needs. Here’s a clear and concise guide on the processes involved:

Step 1: Contacting the Department of Veterans Affairs

Initial Contact: Begin by reaching out to the VA. You can do this by:

  • Visiting your nearest VA facility in person.
  • Calling the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838), a 24/7 hotline.
  • Accessing the VA Homeless Programs website for more resources.

In-Processing and Evaluation: Upon contacting the VA, you will be in-processed and evaluated by their staff. This process includes:

  • Assessment of your immediate and long-term needs.
  • Determination of your eligibility for various VA programs.
  • Assistance in obtaining a VA ID card, which identifies you as a veteran and is crucial for accessing services both within and outside the VA.

Step 2: Receiving VA Support and Services

Immediate Assistance: Based on the evaluation, the VA can offer immediate support, which may include:

  • Referral to emergency shelters or transitional housing.
  • Connection to healthcare services, including mental health support.
  • Provision of basic necessities and emergency financial assistance.

Long-Term Solutions: The VA also works to provide long-term solutions such as:

  • Permanent housing options through programs like the HUD-VASH (Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing).
  • Employment services and vocational rehabilitation.
  • Access to benefits that can help stabilize your financial situation.

Step 3: Engaging with the Veterans Housing Foundation

Eligibility Documentation: With your VA ID card and documentation detailing your situation and needs, you can now engage with VHF for additional support. Your VA ID card serves as proof of your veteran status and eligibility for services. Provide VHF with your VA case manager and we will work with them to help you with your needs.

Contacting VHF: Reach out to the Veterans Housing Foundation by:

  • Visiting our website and filling out a contact form.
  • Calling our support line, available on our website.
  • Visiting our offices in person if you prefer face-to-face communication.

Step 4: Tailored Assistance from VHF

Personalized Support Plan: Based on the information and documentation you provide, including your VA evaluation, VHF will work with you to develop a personalized support plan that may include:

  • Connection to specialized housing programs tailored to veterans.
  • Access to resources like job training and legal assistance.
  • Enrollment in community integration and social support activities to foster a sense of belonging and well-being.

Continuous Support

Follow-Up and Adjustment: Both the VA and VHF are committed to providing ongoing support. This means we will follow up with you to ensure the services are meeting your needs and make adjustments as necessary.For veterans in crisis, the journey to stability begins with contacting the VA to access a comprehensive network of support. Once in-processed and evaluated by the VA, the Veterans Housing Foundation can provide additional, tailored assistance to help you navigate through the crisis toward a stable and secure future. Remember, you are not alone; a wide array of services and dedicated support are available to assist you every step of the way.